What's In Directions: Let's Reflect On The Mastery About Selling Products Ba…
What’s in Directions: Let’s reflect on the mastery about selling products based on needs and demands in school and community. What are these words? Arrange the Jumbled letters to form the terms being described. 1. DENE – This is the basic necessity of people. 2. TWAN – a product of goods that you desire or wish to have. 3. ESLLRE – is the one that offers products or services in exchange for payment. 4. RPOTCDU- is something that is manufactured following a process or grown and nurtured in order to be sold for a profit. 5. EDSMAND – It is the amount of interest to a given product that consumers are willing to buy at a given price, at a given period.
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Mill dene garden 21-09-2013. Mill dene garden. Mill dene garden english gardens, mill, photographs, outdoor decor
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