Use The Following List Of Words To Create A Sentence That Will Show The Difference On The…
use the following list of words to create a sentence that will show the difference on the stress and pronunciation of the words. Refer to the given example below.
CONduct – my conduct is always professional
conDUCT – I conduct myself in a professional manner.
1. CONtest
2. IMpact
3. OBject
4. PERmit
5. PREsent
1. CONtest – Matthew won the contest
1. CONtest – Matthew won the contestconTEST – I am going to contest the see result
2. IMpact – The typhoon left a tragic impact to the country.
2. IMpact – The typhoon left a tragic impact to the country.imPACT – The typhoon impact the country before it left.
3. OBject – The object of her piece was extravagant.
3. OBject – The object of her piece was extravagant.obJECT – The jury objects to her piece.
4. PERmit – We need a permit so that we can travel outside the city.
4. PERmit – We need a permit so that we can travel outside the city.perMIT – The authority permit them to travel outside the city.
5. PREsent – You have to be present during the ceremony.
5. PREsent – You have to be present during the ceremony.preSENT – You have to present yourself during the ceremony